Help, advice and action for residents
In cooperation with the WSG, the University of Siegen is exploring residential and commercial buildings.
Siedlungs-GmbH and WohnBund-Beratung NRW GmbH, the potential of new media for residential districts. Together with the tenants of a WSG quarter in Dortmund, new IT-supported possibilities are being researched and designed with the aim of social participation, self-determination and independence for older tenants, but also community-building aspects for all residents of the quarter.
Above all, but not only for older people, opportunities are to be created to learn more about the offers of their residential area, to cultivate their friendships and neighborhoods and to promote the exchange within their surroundings. Particular focus will be placed on research into support options for informal neighbourly aid networks.
For this purpose, a participatory design methods will be used to set up an information and communication platform that will be accessible via various Internet-capable input and output devices. A public area of the platform should be accessible to all residents in order to make information about the district freely accessible and thus achieve the broadest possible impact. Outdoor units are placed as interactive bulletin boards at the house entrances. In addition, private levels should provide information and communication services for specific and individual needs. These include, among other things, a platform for arranging neighbourly help offers and people seeking help and a messaging system.
In order to test possible added value of modern ICT for a neighbourhood and especially for older people in practice, it is planned to equip approx. 20 households with interactive television and mobile devices (such as tablet PCs). In addition, thematic projects are offered in the quarter, in which “interactive living room tables” provide a special opportunity to work together and playfully on new media. The relaxed interaction with modern technology in a context that is important for the participants should also allow older people playful access to ICT. In this way, these working groups, with the participation of researchers, are intended to help break down barriers to acceptance of technology.
The aim of the project is to promote the independence and integration of older people in your neighbourhood through the accompanied introduction and participatory development of a neighbourhood portal, by supporting the neighbourhood community and in particular intergenerational neighbourhood assistance.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.